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Spring Week 1

1) Working on fixing my weight painting for the Grandpa model, but it is frustrating and slow going.

The chest is giving me problems, especially with the robe. Might need to just do more research on painting weights, or fix some of the geo and redo the rig (Advanced Skeleton will make that easy though.)

2) Reached out to my old composer about working together again - waiting for response.

3) Worked on some set dressing stuff in the meantime.

Added more of a backyard and a spot for the garden, as well as some more trees to play with hiding the horizon line and a fence to add some more character.

For the inside, I want to work on making it a little more cluttered and lived in, maybe add am armchair for comfort and lots of books. On the wall, 'family' portraits or accolades and such. Add little easter eggs in for people watching.

Stuff from last semester's final presentation:

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Unsure about the opening bit, and needs a sound update. Might revisit the words and such, and gotta finish the credits.



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