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Animatic Update

Struggle bus this week. I only updated the very beginning and the very end, focused on characterizing the golfer and caddy's relationship. Below:

As for the actual meat of the story, I am working on visualizing it and will have that updated by the end of this week. I'm going to approach it from a "3 Acts" format, where the caddy essentially spirals down three levels of his nightmare.

1) He falls into the [rabbit hole] ruff, and plummets into Void #1. Tries chasing the golfball, but it is popping in and out of existence, multiplying, causing chaos.

2) The balls lead him towards a planet-esque forest of golf clubs. Rules of reality are a little wonky, as he follows the path but it loops upside down and it spirals as he spirals. More golfballs popping as he mushes onwards. I plan on utilizing Dutch angles to create more tension, like below. Off-kilter camera, and never having the caddy in the direct center, but leaving space to make the audience feel Wrong.

For the golf clubs, I would reuse the models he was carrying in the beginning, to create a sort of weird familiarity.

3) Gravity disappears, and everything starts rising back into the Void. He tries avoiding getting hit by the clubs while still trying to follow the golfball. From the depths of the void, a giant blown-up model of the golfer appears -- outlandish and lumbering. He takes a club from the floating ones, sets up his stance, and begins to swing at the caddy, as if HE is the golfball. The caddy panics, and tries to get away, and just before the club hits him--

He snaps out of it. Back at the beginning of the story, peering into the forest looking for the golfball. The animatic has him just throw a new ball out. but I am still toying with different options since I don't think that works the way I want it to.

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